Frustrated with pain in your arms or legs when engaging in repetitive motion?
Get fast relief from tendonitis from our skilled Physios

Broadmead Physiotherapy is the choice of over 12,000 patients in Victoria, BC We direct bill extended health insurance plans. No referral needed.

What is tendonitis?

A tendon is what connects a muscle to the bone. When a tendon becomes acutely injured it is called a tendonitis. “itis” stands for inflammation.

Tendonitis usually presents with an acute onset of pain that has been caused by a specific incident such as washing windows.

tendonitis due to tennis elbow

Tendonitis or Tendonopathy?

A very important assessment our skilled tendonitis physios in Victoria, BC will make is whether you have tendonitis or tendonopathy as it will determine the treatment plan for an injured area. When a tendon is placed on repeated load and fails to recover or repair it develops into a tendonopathy, such as swinging a golf club over many months. In this case, inflammation is likely present in the early stages of the injury, however, over time the inflammation decreases but the pain is still there due to cellular and vascular changes that occur due to the lack of healing. The diagnosis of these two injuries — tendonitis and tedonopathy — needs to recognized at the onset of treatment to allow the fastest recovery possible and to allow the appropriate level of activity without causing further damage.


Here are some of the common signs you may have tendonitis…
  • Pain at rest
  • Pain with movement or activity
  • Pain after activity
  • Pain that can be sharp with use and then achy at rest
  • Weakness
  • Pain that has been gradually getting worse
  • Decreased range of motion due to pain and stiffness
  • Sensation of snapping or popping
  • Tenderness to touch
  • Swelling
  • Pain after rest or first thing in the morning


Here are some of the common conditions we regularly assist our patients with…
  • Rotator cuff
  • Biceps tendon
  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfers elbow
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Hip flexor strain
  • Groin strain
  • Jumpers knee
  • Achilles tendon
  • Peroneal tendons
  • Tibialis posterior tendon


Here are some of the treatment approaches our physios may use on your tendonitis in Victoria, BC…

Manual therapy: mobilization of the joints to stretch them out to restore range of motion and to relax tight muscles

Manipulation: This is where we apply a quick stretch the joint to cause a “cracking” sound to relax muscles and restore range of motion

IMS (Intramuscular Stimulation): we use acupuncture needles to relax tight muscles caused by nerve irritation which in turn can take some pressure off the irritated nerve

Soft Tissue Mobilization: trigger point pressure to release tight muscles

Electrical modalities: to reduce inflammation, decrease pain and relax tight muscles

Stretches: to lengthen tight muscles

Home exercises: Customized exercises to strengthen muscles

Education: Explanation in terms that actually make sense so that you understand your injury fully

Referral: We will contact your doctor or specialist if we feel you may require further testing (x-ray, CT, MRI, etc) or evaluation (specialist)


Paul McIntyre physiotherapist at Broadmead Physiotherapy

Paul McIntyre

Matt Rose physiotherapist at Broadmead physiotherapy

Matt Rose

BSc. Kin, MSc. PT, CAFCI, Functional Dry Needling / IMS
Ian Hallworth physiotherapist at Broadmead physiotherapy

Ian Hallworth

BSc.PT, MSc. Rehab Science
mary wong physiotherapist at Broadmead Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Clinic

Mary Wong Colebrook



It’s super frustrating when you experience pain when moving your arms or legs.

The good news is our highly skilled therapists who specialize in treating tendonitis in Victoria, BC can get you feeling like yourself again.

Make an appointment today and get relief.


Bev McKay
Bev McKay
06:10 06 Feb 25
I felt that Ian thoroughly, and respectfully assessed my pain situation. He explained my injury and how I could get relief. He assigned exercises and explained how to do them so I could get the most benefit. Feel confident in his care.read more
Sarah McCabe
Sarah McCabe
07:37 31 Jan 25
Mary Wong is the best physiotherapist I have ever seen. She takes excellent care of all my ails, particularly as I work toward my strength training and stability goals. She is extremely knowledgeable and clearly loves her work. I can't recommend her enough.read more
Brett Fraser
Brett Fraser
19:14 29 Jan 25
I'd tried physio for the first time at another practice a few months ago and left very underwhelmed. A friend peer-pressured me into giving it another go with their practitioner, Mary Wong Colebrook.. what a difference. Took the time to explain what was going on with my back, laid out a plan as to how we're going to remedy it, used every minute of my appointment. Highly recommended.read more
Dagmar Leuenberger-Swift
Dagmar Leuenberger-Swift
05:13 21 Jan 25
Paul McIntyre is a professional, knowledgeable and kind man. He treats my husband with such dignity and compassion. He truly listens to what he is saying and offers such practical advice. His receptionists are equally as kind and caring.read more
Tony Elsdon
Tony Elsdon
05:41 15 Jan 25
Prior to today (1 year ago) I had a number of visits with Ian regarding a hip injury and found him to be very thorough in treating the injury and taking the time to explain how the treatments and exercises were going to help me.Today was my first visit for another injury and Ian was great in describing the possible reasons for my problem and his thoroughness in his first treatment and also his concern and direction in telling me to contact my doctor to order up some exams to make sure some of his concerns were looked into further.Thanks Ianread more
Pauline Kenning
Pauline Kenning
00:44 15 Jan 25
I was very impress with Matt's approach on assessing my Mom's ankle. As a senior she finds it hard to communicate what she feels and was very nervous to see him. However, Matt's gentle and respectful approach, quickly put Mom at ease. He listened actively to what she had to say, provided great advice and guided her through exercises. I will definitely be taking Mom to see Matt again!read more